- Last Updated on Saturday, 30 November 2019 23:27
Letter To The Editor - South Park Resident Asks Community to Stop Littering Read more...
Letter To The Editor - South Park Resident Asks Community to Stop Littering Read more...
McMurray VFW Auxiliary Post 764 Presents a check to help defray costs for Vet's Pets. |
Photo at right: McMurray VFW Auxiliary Post 764 President Sandy Roberto and Past President Sara Redinger presented a check for $500 to Fix 'Ur Cat, 18 West Pike St, Canonsburg PA 1317 to Michelle Bruce, President and Gary Malaskovitz, Treasurer, to help defray spaying and neutering costs to Veterans for their pets. This is quite an organization. Their service to Veterans is awesome and was very rewarding to us to be able to help.
Crossroads Ministries is proud to present the Christmas Dessert Theater this December 6-7 featuring the musical “Welcome To Bethlehem.” Performances will be held at 7:00 PM on Friday, December 6, and at 1:00 PM and 7:00 PM on Saturday, December 7.
Read more...Visit the SPHS Museum on December 14
Located at the corner of the Port Authority Park-n-Ride lot at 6425 Pleasant Street, the South Park Historical Society Museum showcases South Park’s rich traditions and captivating history like you’ve never seen them before. Come and visit us on Saturday, December 14 from 12:00 noon to 2:00 p.m. as we will be open to the public. Read more...
Proceeds Benefit Local 8-Year Old Bone Marrow Recipient
Dust off your Boogie Shoes and register today for ‘Santa! at the Disco’, a new tradition for children of all ages. Mark your calendars for Friday, December 6, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at The Whitehall House in Brentwood. Cost is $15 per adult, $12 for children under 12. Read more...