Last Updated on Saturday, 29 August 2020 22:15
The South Park Women's Club make the following announcements on cancellations, new officers and plans for fundraisers.
Annual South Park Women’s Club Craft Show Cancelled
Due to the Corona virus, South Park Women’s Club (SPWC) will not be holding their October craft show. It would have been their 27th year for this special event, which funds many of club’s charities and scholarships. The Club has re-scheduled their craft show for Saturday, April 17, 2021 at the Broughton Fire Hall. SPWC is looking forward to having a spring sale. Kathy Butler, Ways & Means Chairman is hoping, to see all crafters, customers in the spring.
In the meantime, the club has looked into other ways to raise monies for their annual funding of needed areas, that they usually support. They're hoping to sell delicious pepperoni rolls soon, followed by chocolate covered caramel apples. Both items were big sellers last year for SPWC.
South Park Women’s Club Announces New Officers
New officers are at the helm for the year: President - Charm Papi; 1st Vice President - filled with committee chairs, 2nd Vice President - JoAnn Ricci, Secretary - Fran Ruppen; Treasurer- Rowena Partyka. The club's officers are hoping to continue this year even with the pandemic, whether in person or virtually. Due to present Allegheny County guidelines about having no more than 25 people at a meeting, it makes it hard for club to convene and have a regular, normal meeting nights. They are hoping one day soon, club members will be able to get together in same room, to sit and socialize with each other without the fear of getting ill.