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Home & Garden

(BPT) - There are regular backyard projects and then there are those special backyard projects that bring families closer together, both during the construction and while enjoying the finished piece.

If you want to improve your backyard with a special project for your family this year but you're not sure what to build, here are a few fun ideas.



* Wood raised-garden planter. If anyone in your home has a green thumb, this is a great idea. A raised planter bed keeps the soil warmer longer, which will extend the gardening season. Your plants will also enjoy better soil conditions because the soil won't be walked on. Finally, raised beds make it easier to protect your plants from hungry woodland animals.

* Wood treehouse. One of the iconic mainstays of childhood: If you have young children at home, they will love it. Incorporate extra elements into your tree house (ladders, slides, climbing wall, etc.) for prolonged enjoyment and consider putting walls on the structure. This will allow your children to play inside longer into the year.

* Wood swing set. Build it as an attachment to the treehouse or as a standalone project. In either case, a swing set is sure to be popular. Basing the posts into the ground and building your set from quality treated lumber means it will be ready for your children - and for any full-grown kid who wants to swing away nostalgically.

* Wood sandbox. Another iconic childhood toy. Building a sandbox with higher side walls will reduce the amount of sand that spills over the side, and adding a base means this section of your yard won't be filled with sand forever. You may also consider building a wooden cover for your child's sandbox to hide toys from sight and from the elements.

* Picnic table. Not every project has to be designed just for the kids. A picnic table provides that at-the-park feeling right in your own backyard. Before you start your picnic table project, however, determine what style table you want (square, rectangle, hexagon, etc.) as well as the size of the table. If you have a large family or frequent guests, you may want to build a bigger table (but remember that this table will be harder to move around). If your table will only be used by a couple of people, a small, portable table is probably the better option.

When it's time to choose a building material for your backyard project, consider pressure-treated lumber, which is both affordable and easy to use. Additionally, some brands of treated lumber give your backyard project a professional-grade look. When using treated lumber, be sure to check the end tag as it identifies the treatment type. Look for the ProWood end tag, because it's an indicator that tells you it's building code approved and treated for your intended use. ProWood MCA (Micronized copper azole) treated lumber has a lighter, fresher appearance compared to other current or previous treatments. MCA pressure-treated wood is the logical, safe choice - it's completely safe for people and pets.

Safe and environmentally friendly treated wood

Clean, odorless, non-staining and non-irritating, ProWood MCA treated lumber from Universal Forest Products is safe for humans, animals and the environment. The process used to treat this wood has gained Environmentally Preferable Product (EPP) status as certified by Scientific Certification Systems (SCS), a third-party certification services and standards development company. The preservative in ProWood MCA treated lumber has earned NAHB's Green Approved Product certification and the GREENGUARD Children & Schools Certification.

Add a touch of color to your backyard project with ProWood Dura Color. It's color-infused MCA-treated lumber, so your swing set, picnic table or sandbox will retain a colorful appearance for years. To learn more about ProWood MCA treated lumber and to find inspiration for your next project, visit


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