- Last Updated on Saturday, 30 June 2018 19:57
The Communities of Elizabeth Borough, West Elizabeth Borough, Elizabeth Township, and Forward Township elebrated Memorial Day weekend with a parade and services.
Members of VFW Post 7632 and American Legion Post 553 lead the Memorial Day Parade in Elizabeth. |
VFW Post 7632, American Legion Post 553, and the VFW Auxiliary spent the days prior decorating veterans graves in local cemeteries with American flags. A twenty one gun salute was performed at cemeteries and Memorials on Sunday before Memorial Day with a dinner following at Rock Run Inn, Butler’s Golf Course. A key to the City was presented by the Mayor of Elizabeth to Rear Admiral, USN (retired) Norman R. Hayes, guest speaker. A Parade and Services were held in Elizabeth on Memorial Day followed by a communion luncheon held at the Elizabeth Fire Company Hall.
(PHOTO by Alice Harris)