- Last Updated on Saturday, 03 March 2018 18:59
It’s time to resume the monthly meetings of the Monongahela chapter of The Mary & Martha Joy Fellowship of Come Together in Jesus’ Name after a short winter hiatus.
Tom Ravasio |
The first 2018 meeting of praise and worship will be held in the parlor of The First Presbyterian Church of Monongahela, PA, located at the corner of Sixth, Main and Chess Streets on Thursday evening, March 1. There will be refreshments and fellowship at 6:30 p.m. with the meeting starting at 7 p.m. There is no charge; a free-will offering will be taken. Please enter the church from the Chess Street side.
Guest speaker, Pastor Tom Ravasio, serves as an associate pastor of Journey by Grace Free Methodist Church, located on Route 51 in Rostraver Township. He also is the founder and director of Shekinah Western Camp Ranch located in Charleroi, PA, a non-profit and non-denominational Christian organization where, over the years, he has led thousands of young people to the Lord. Pastor Tom loves using spiritual analogies to remind youth that God loves them and has a wonderful plan for their life. He is also the author of the end-times children’s series, “Lord of the Horses.”
All are welcome to attend. For further information please call one of the following: Virgie Vidil at 412-384-4882, Barbara Simpson at 724-258-4293, or Charlene Pezzoni at 724-258-4516.