- Last Updated on Friday, 06 April 2018 17:40
In 1958 Youth for Christ/Campus Life began ministry to teens and students in Washington County. In 2018, this ministry celebrates 60 years of reaching teens and students for Christ.
D. Carey "Murf" Polan was executive director during much of this time and saw much growth. Club meetinqs, summer camps, church meetinqs, all involving local school districts’ teens, were in full swing with cooperation from local churches, youth groups and local businesses who believed in their mission.
After a short hiatus, Youth for Christ/Campus Life is re-emerging in our local area with a kickoff celebration banquet of their 60th anniversary on Friday, April 13 at 6:29 p.m. at the Church of the Covenant, East Beau Street, Washington. A new Board of Directors, along with new goals and vision for the future, is in place and, as Chairman Christy 'Polan’ Black states, "The next adventure will be a 'glorious unfolding’ and we are heading full speed ahead into our 61st year of ministry. We are inviting all our alumni, sinqers, full- and part-time staff to join us at our celebration banquet on April 13.”
For more information regarding the 60th anniversary celebration, contact the YFC/Campus Life office at 724-225-3900. Tickets are FREE!