- Last Updated on Monday, 29 January 2018 17:57
VFW Auxiliary Pilowcases |
Along with all the other VFW auxiliaries across the state, McMurray 764 Auxiliary made 250 pillowcases. These will go to the VA hospitals.
VFW Auxiliary Pilowcases |
Along with all the other VFW auxiliaries across the state, McMurray 764 Auxiliary made 250 pillowcases. These will go to the VA hospitals.
Our Lady of Grace Church, Scott Township, is seeking artists in Western Pennsylvania and surrounding areas to participate in an exhibition of their work(s) in the 2018 Pentecost Sacred Arts Festival, May 16-20.
Read more...Rep. Bud Cook (R-Washington/Fayette) joined Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) Secretary Dennis Davin for a tour of the old shop and home economics classrooms at California Area High School to emphasize the importance of the lawmaker’s Training for Trades initiative.
Read more...The Private Industry Council (PIC) has a new program for youth ages 18 to 24 who are interested in considering jobs in the construction field. They are paid a $25/day stipend while they attend class and $9/hour for 30 hours of paid work experience. The PIC is anxious to recruit youth for this amazing training opportunity.
Read more...If you’re renting an apartment or living with relatives, Jonathan Weaver, a housing counselor with Mon Valley Initiative (MVI), wants you to consider putting your tax refund toward a down payment on a house of your own. Read more...