- Last Updated on Tuesday, 30 September 2014 22:24
Brownie Troop 52425, as part of their Brownie Quest Take Action Plan, has created a "Pinwheels for Peace" display.
Read more...Brownie Troop 52425, as part of their Brownie Quest Take Action Plan, has created a "Pinwheels for Peace" display.
Read more...Clay Kilgore and Bryan Cunning, Bradford House historical consultant and member of the Board, respectively, and founding members of the Bassettown Paranormal Society (B.P.S.), have combined their interests in history and the paranormal to "tell history from the other side."
Read more...Beth Israel Center Synagogue welcomes new members and potential new members to attend services or one of our upcoming events.
Read more...The Westmoreland Yough Trail Council was recognized on September 18 at the Westmoreland County Parks and Recreation's Green Luncheon for their contributions and volunteerism. The ceremony was held at Twin Lakes Park in Greensburg.
Read more...The VFW Post 1940 will be having an oldies dance and dinner on November 15 at the Broughton Fire Hall. The oldies band will the Mansfield 5 and the catering will be done by Jackie's Catering.