Library News
- Last Updated on Tuesday, 03 May 2016 19:01
Whitehall Public Library recently announced its May Events.
For a complete list of programs, please visit our website.
Wednesday May 4 @ 7: p.m. - 'This Won't Hurt a Bit': A Talk with Theresa Brown, RN
Make sure to be “on call” this evening when the library welcomes bestselling author and registered nurse Theresa Brown for a special talk. Ms. Brown’s “The Shift: One Nurse, Twelve Hours, Four Patients’ Lives” is a day-in-the-life account of a nurse. She’ll speak about her writing, her experiences as a nurse, and what life is like as a health professional in Pittsburgh. FREE - Registration required.
Saturday May 7 @ 2 p.m. - Sips and Strings: A Musical Tea Party - SPECIAL SPRING FUNDRAISING EVENT!!
You are chord-ially invited to a special program that celebrates music in the merry month of May! The library is proud to present Pittsburgh Symphony musicians, violist and violinist Joshua and Emily Kelly (son and daughter-in-law of our own library director), who will perform beautiful string duets. In addition to the music, we’ll have teas and treats for you to raise to your lips while raising your pinky! Bring your favorite tea cup and saucer! Advance tickets only $35/pp available at the library.
Saturday May 14 @ 1 p.m. - Under the Sea Children's Tea Party
Join us for an ocean-themed tea party with delicious treats, crafts, and games. FREE - Registration required, call 412-882-6622.
Tuesday, May 17 @ 7 p.m. - Quiet the Mind and Let Go of the Body: All About Meditation
The trials of daily life can take their toll, but an inability to cope in a healthy and mindful way is more damaging. Certified teachers Dottie Coll and Lisa Klein will give a talk about and a demonstration of DASHA meditation. FREE - Registration required.
Thursday, May 19 @ 2 p.m. - From the Ballroom to Hell: A Brief History of Dirty Dancing
For as long as people have written about dance, they have also written about its dangers. Emily Winerock is a visiting Assistant Professor in History at the University of Pittsburgh will talk about the writings from the sixteenth century to today that delve into dance’s darker side, highlighting fears about social disorder and illicit sexuality, and casting some of these “olde” dances in a new light. FREE - Registration required, call 412-882-6622.
Saturday May 21 @ 9:30 a.m. - Strip Trip: A Toy-rific Bus Tour
We're going back in time and to the future with a visit to the historic Strip District’s Heinz History Center and Smallman Galley! First is a guided tour of our favorite childhood toys from yesteryear. Afterward, we’ll visit Smallman Galley, the hottest new eating spot in the Strip. Price: $25.00 + meal (on your own) at Smallman Galley. Register at the library with payment. Space is limited.
Wednesday May 25 @ 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. WWII History Discussion Group
This program is open to all who are interested in military history and World War II. Veterans and non-veterans alike are welcome to join this lively group that meets on the last Wednesday of every month to discuss military conflicts and history. We watch films and war-era shorts, read literature, and talk about all things WW II.
No registration.