- Last Updated on Saturday, 30 August 2014 00:56
Charles Talbert, a retired California University of Pennsylvania professor and member of the Monongahela Cemetery Board of Incorporators and of the Monongahela Historical Society, will be the guest speaker at the Charleroi Area Historical Society's monthly program meeting on Monday, September 15.
Mr. Talbert has been a favorite speaker at the CAHS, Inc. and other area historical societies and fraternal organizations. His presentation will be on the Chandler, McKean and McCloskey families, who were prominent in the early history of Charleroi and who are buried in the Monongahela Cemetery. Of special interest to our readers is the fact that Talbert also gives walking tours of sections in the cemetery.
Everyone is invited to hear the stories of the roles the Chandlers, McKean and McCloskey families played in Charleroi's early history.
There is always an opportunity for those who attend to ask questions while light refreshments are served. The program begins at 7 p.m. The CAHS, Inc.'s meetings are held in the Senior Citizen's Center, room 300 of the SPHS Plaza building (formerly Wards). Turn right at the traffic light at Fifth and McKean and look for signs.
For more information about this program or membership in the CAHS, Inc., call 724-483-4961.